The Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP)
To Our Valued Patients
In the last few weeks, we have had many inquiries about the Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP). We wish to inform our patients that at this time, we will be participating in the program in a limited fashion.
While we are supportive of people getting access to dental care, there are numerous important unanswered questions about how CDCP will work and impact the level of care we can give our patients. Until we are satisfied that patient care will be maintained or even improved, we have decided to proceed cautiously.
Our priority has always been to provide you with quality treatment in the best interest of your oral health, and this will never change.
Current Patients
Current patients who qualify for the CDCP, have a member card, and are within the coverage period, will be seen subject to their consent to pay any amounts due at the time of the appointment. These payments may include:
- CDCP co-payments, of either 40%, 60% or 100% due to the provider (not covered by the CDCP based on adjusted net family income), if applicable, and,
- Other payments for services rendered not covered by the CDCP, if applicable.
New Patients
New patients who reside in one of the retirement residences visited by The Perfect Smile™ staff, who qualify for the CDCP, have a member card, and are within the coverage period, will be seen subject to their consent to pay any amounts due at the time of the appointment. These payments may include:
- CDCP co-payments of either 40% or 60% due to the provider (not covered by the CDCP based on adjusted net family income), if applicable, and,
- Other payments for services rendered not covered by the CDCP, if applicable.
For all other patients not covered under CDCP, it is business as usual, and we look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!
For additional information CDCP, please see the Government of Canada CDCP website.